Partnering Together
Are We a Good Fit?
A client engagement is much like a Partnership. In that context, each member must perform their part for the organization to function. When that occurs, all members have opportunity to enjoy mutual success.
Even a fire requires essential elements to exist: heat, fuel, and oxygen. Removing any one of these elements will extinguish the fire. The following illustration outlines this example within the client engagement.
Three Simple “C’s”
These elements must be present for the client engagement to exist:
Communication. Timely and effective communication is absolutely essential to be informed, make critical decisions, and take appropriate actions.
Compliance. Maintaining compliance with the taxing authorities is critical. Repeated non-compliance undermines trust and will cause represented agreements with the taxing authorities to default.
Compensation. Receiving timely compensation keeps us operating to do what we do best: help your taxes. The experience and counsel we provide cannot be overstated.
Do you agree? If so, you may be a candidate for our services.